Nic (Nicole) Gagliardi

A diehard nonprofit nerd and eternal optimizer, Nicole's expertise is a unique combination of data analysis and people-centred design that has earned her a reputation for innovative problem solving.

Jason stabler

A passionate problem solver with advanced degrees in law and public policy, Jason is in his element when he's building the kinds of integrated systems that improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

Our approach


We believe that knowledge and practice go hand in hand, and that every system we create should save your organization time, energy or money.


We set a high standard for everything we do, and we’re always striving for excellence in our work.


We’re not into quick fixes; we’d rather build sustainable systems that address the root cause of a problem.


We think there are a few pervasive ideas out there in the sector that aren’t serving organizations well, and we’re not afraid to challenge them head on.


When it makes sense to think outside the box, borrow ideas from outside the sector or try something different, we don’t hesitate to get creative.

equity focused

We believe that equity should be built into strategy, policies and procedures from the word go, and all of our work is informed by a commitment to anti-oppression and anti-racism.